This cool word is running around in the business for decades. It is reputed by every entrepreneur who is willing to grow his business. Even though digital marketing has great significance, rarely people comprehends its real meaning. To flourish your business through marketing, we first must understand what it actually is and how it works. So without further ado, we elaborate the term digital marketing.
What is digital marketing?
The system of marketing through any digital (electronic) technology aiming for a wider approach to viewers and converting the leads into a potential and enduring customer is known as digital marketing.
Still not clear?
In general term, it can be defined as marketing through any electronic technology. It is a deep concept itself and it does not only refer to online marketing. In fact, online marketing is a very popular type of digital marketing.
We all have evidenced these marketing for any product or service whether you have looked up for something online, read any blog (just like you are reading this one), or encountered with any advertising board. There are myriad ways of promoting your business. Really, myriad ways! Although, some are cheaper while others are not and some are more effective than the rest of the marketing medias. As I promised, we will be discussing 5 marketing strategies that you might be missing but must implement in today’s era.
1. Bring out the best in your content marketing
If you think content marketing is simply to just post blogs that are SEO friendly and share it online for SMM (Social Media Marketing). Think again. Until you don't bring the utmost data, readers will hardly engage into your activity. Marketing does not only mean to attract the readers but also converting them into the buyers. Thus, provide the leading data. Let us understand it with an example.
What if you the heard the news that a comet that is only seen once in a century will be seen tonight? Probably, most of us would take out the time to see it. Even if you are not usually a star watcher, you will want to capture the unique moment. Same goes with the data because when your data is unique, readers won’t hesitate to invest.
2. Upsell
This is one of the strongest techniques to turn the viewers into customers. Remember the buy one get one offer? And also, become the member and get the free coupons offer? They were the upsell so to make you their potential customers and most of the time, we fall prey! This one is a good example of upselling.
Expected result:
Want readers to sign up a premium membership form for library
How to do it?
Give them the upsell of the free books in a way you can make profit
Explanation: When your audience gets a free or profitable upsell they will do sign up for you. Companies like Pizza hut, dominos, virgin media, Sky and almost every other company in the market use this brilliant technique. Remember buy one and get one technique. However, you need to make sure you use the upsell that are relevant to your audience’s purpose.
3. Defined System is a nice strategy!
You probably saw this coming, didn’t you? When there is an approach, there has to be system otherwise there will be no result. So to speak, there will be no expected result. Plan your strategy according to the result you want, making sure you don’t miss any essential factor during this.
A systematic digital marketing strategy includes:
1. Research and analysis of the needs of your target audience
2. Distinct and potential upsell
3. Easy interaction with your viewers
4. Quality product or service
5. Consistency! Because consistency is the key!
Following the above techniques will certainly give you the expected result. Do you want more of these convincing strategies for your business growth? Contact me at
What is digital marketing?
The system of marketing through any digital (electronic) technology aiming for a wider approach to viewers and converting the leads into a potential and enduring customer is known as digital marketing.
Still not clear?
In general term, it can be defined as marketing through any electronic technology. It is a deep concept itself and it does not only refer to online marketing. In fact, online marketing is a very popular type of digital marketing.
We all have evidenced these marketing for any product or service whether you have looked up for something online, read any blog (just like you are reading this one), or encountered with any advertising board. There are myriad ways of promoting your business. Really, myriad ways! Although, some are cheaper while others are not and some are more effective than the rest of the marketing medias. As I promised, we will be discussing 5 marketing strategies that you might be missing but must implement in today’s era.

If you think content marketing is simply to just post blogs that are SEO friendly and share it online for SMM (Social Media Marketing). Think again. Until you don't bring the utmost data, readers will hardly engage into your activity. Marketing does not only mean to attract the readers but also converting them into the buyers. Thus, provide the leading data. Let us understand it with an example.
What if you the heard the news that a comet that is only seen once in a century will be seen tonight? Probably, most of us would take out the time to see it. Even if you are not usually a star watcher, you will want to capture the unique moment. Same goes with the data because when your data is unique, readers won’t hesitate to invest.
2. Upsell
This is one of the strongest techniques to turn the viewers into customers. Remember the buy one get one offer? And also, become the member and get the free coupons offer? They were the upsell so to make you their potential customers and most of the time, we fall prey! This one is a good example of upselling.
Expected result:
Want readers to sign up a premium membership form for library
How to do it?
Give them the upsell of the free books in a way you can make profit
Explanation: When your audience gets a free or profitable upsell they will do sign up for you. Companies like Pizza hut, dominos, virgin media, Sky and almost every other company in the market use this brilliant technique. Remember buy one and get one technique. However, you need to make sure you use the upsell that are relevant to your audience’s purpose.
3. Defined System is a nice strategy!
You probably saw this coming, didn’t you? When there is an approach, there has to be system otherwise there will be no result. So to speak, there will be no expected result. Plan your strategy according to the result you want, making sure you don’t miss any essential factor during this.
A systematic digital marketing strategy includes:
1. Research and analysis of the needs of your target audience
2. Distinct and potential upsell
3. Easy interaction with your viewers
4. Quality product or service
5. Consistency! Because consistency is the key!
Following the above techniques will certainly give you the expected result. Do you want more of these convincing strategies for your business growth? Contact me at